We will begin accepting reservations February 1st.
We will not be raising our rates and 2024 rates will remain in place.
Our season will run from June 26 to September 25th.
Reserve any single cabin for 7 or more nights and the last night is on us.
Enjoy an Autumn Mid-Week Getaway
Starting September 7th:
Stay three nights for the price of two Sunday to Thursday. (Friday and Saturday are excluded).
Sit back, relax, and discover the Adirondacks with us at Northwood Cabins. Located one mile east of Tupper Lake on Route 30 we are your gateway to the Western High Peaks. Enjoy the fresh Adirondack breezes from your own front porch or a peaceful early morning paddle from one of the many boat launches located near us.
Our Adirondack cabins provide a nostalgic experience with all the modern amenities. The cabins sleep 2-4 people, have their own private bathroom and all linens are provided. Also all of our cabins are equipped with AC/heat, refrigerators, SMART TV’s and Wi-Fi access. Two cabins offer full kitchens and a separate bedroom.
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“In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.”
Alfred Tennyson![]()
Apparently Lord Tennyson never lived in the Adirondacks, because in Spring most everyone's "fancy" lightly turns to thoughts of maple syrup. ![]()
William Chapman White in his book Adirondack Country offers this:![]()
"When sugaring time comes, from the Deer river to Chateaugay from Poke O Moonshine to the Kayaderossrras, men work fast. A few people make sugaring a big business...The average Adirondack farmer who has a few trees knows little of this industry. He looks on them not as a source of profit but for pleasure. As long as he has the strength to carry the sap buckets to the boiler he knows that he will, make enough syrup for his own family, and if the sap runs good he may have a few gallons to give to friends."![]()
My grandfather was most certainly an "average Adirondack farmer" The photo above was his Sugar Shake found on his farm along the Deer River in St Lawrence County. I took that photo over 40 years ago long after the last fire had been lit and the last gallon of sap boiled off. But I remember when he still tapped trees, and boiled sap. I can still taste the sap, cold and sweet as we stole sips from the galvanized buckets that hung off the big maples along the road leading to the farm. ![]()
Now you see mostly plastic tubes and stainless steel holding tanks, but every so often you still catch a glimpse of those old buckets hanging in the woods and you know Spring is near.
100 days till opening of the 2025 season. #adk #adirondacks #tupperlake #tupperlakeny